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City Spokes

Explore. Envision. Engage.

Empowering youth in Harrisburg to explore, envision, and engage their city through a summer biking program called “Neighborhood Coasts”, and learn about career opportunities in urban planning and design.



As part of the Baird Sustainability Fellows Program, I had the privilege of having the opportunity to design a program and learn and practice grant writing skills under the guidance and support of Julie Vastine, Director of the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM). My mock grant proposal is for a program called City Spokes, to empower and engage youth in diverse, underserved communities to explore their built environment via biking and learn about careers in the fields of urban planning and design.

Note: this is a mock grant proposal and currently does not exist as a real project. Its programming is based off an existing similar program in New York called VeloCity Rides.

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